High Converting Squeeze Pages

How To Create A High Converting Squeeze Page

Your squeeze page is the first step in your email marketing funnel and it is critical that you get this right. You can have the best lead magnet and the very best sequence of emails set up, but if you are unable to capture the email address of your visitor then you have nothing.

It is very important that you track the conversions achieved by your squeeze page. This is a simple calculation. If you send 100 visitors to the page and 20 of them provide their email addresses and “opt in” then you have a 20% conversion rate. So the formula is:

Number of opt ins/Number of visitors X 100

Pay Attention To Your Headline

If you were to write a sales page then the use of long copy will likely produce the best results. Tests have proven that the opposite is true with squeeze pages. A headline that tells the visitor about your great lead magnet, an email box and a large “submit” button are all you really need.

Tests have been conducted with bullet points on the page and without them, and the squeeze pages that only had a headline converted better. The reasons for this are not exactly known but the “less is more” theory comes into play here.

You are saving the precious time of the visitor by coming straight to the point. You are not asking them to buy anything as they will be getting your incentive for free, so there is no need to use longer copy.

Your headline should make them curious and give them hope. It should tell the visitor that the information is new or virtually unknown. The last line of the headline should describe the major benefit that is included in the incentive. You should change headlines to see which ones convert the best and then use those.

Add A Pre Heading With Your Brand

The chances are that your visitor will not know you or have heard of your brand before. They may not notice your domain name, so you want to do a bit of branding with a pre heading. This is at the very top of the box before your headline.

If you are using your own name you could write something like “The Fred Smith Newsletter Proudly Presents…” If you are using a brand then use that name instead. The reason that you want to do that is because when your visitor receives a confirmation email from you, the “from” part will mirror what is in the pre header.

You need to set up your autoresponder so that the “from” (or sender) field has “Fred Smith Newsletter” in it. The email should arrive a short while after the visitor has entered their email address, and they should be able to associate your email with the squeeze page. This will encourage them to open the email to receive their free lead magnet.

Only Ask For The Visitors Email Address

You have probably seen lots of squeeze pages that ask the visitor to fill in their first name and email address. This means two form boxes and twice as much work for the visitor. It is recommended that you only request their email address.

If you capture their names you can personalize the emails that you send by saying “Hi Chloe” rather than just “Hi”. There is very little evidence to suggest that this personalization helps in any way. In fact the opposite may be true. You will lose some people if you insist on asking for a name. It is better to have more subscribers with just their email address.


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