Book Brainstorming


Writing a book isn’t easy, if it was there’d be a whole lot more authors than there are now. Despite how easy the internet has made the book writing process, there are still many, many hurdles that often stand between aspiring authors and actual authors. This 21 page planner takes you through ten steps to get you from the idea that you might want to write a book to the writing and publishing of it.


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Here are what the 10 sections are that you’ll go through in the guide:

  1. Why write a book?
  2. Identifying your readers
  3. Finding your voice and tone
  4. Research
  5. Outlining & organizing your content
  6. Goal setting, deadlines and time management for authors
  7. Dealing with distractions, procrastination, and other book killers
  8. Choosing a publishing platform
  9. Your book cover
  10. Launch planning