Why You Should Focus on Building Your List

Why Focus On List Building To Build Your Business?

You have probably heard the term “the money is in the list”. It is certainly true that if you have an email list of people who have a real interest in your niche, you can make money from it by offering related products and services.

But Isn’t List Building Difficult?

The reason that most people don’t build a list is because they think that it is too difficult. While it is true that it will take time to build a large list, it certainly isn’t difficult. There are many free tools that you can use, as well as paid ones, that will help you to do this. You do not have to be a web designer or a programmer to add an “opt in” box to your website.

People with absolutely no technical knowledge have built very large lists. If they can do it so can you. All you need is an opt in form and an autoresponder that will automatically send emails to people that subscribe to your list.

A free incentive (or lead magnet) to provide their email address in the first place is also required. This can be a free report or video that is related to your niche and provides value. This is not really free as the subscriber is providing you with the means to communicate directly with them by supplying their email address. This can be worth a lot more than the cost of writing the incentive report or creating the video.

You Are Building An Asset

When you have an email list of targeted subscribers you have a valuable asset. The more subscribers that you have, the higher the value of that asset. If you just do affiliate marketing or sell products and services without collecting email addresses then you are not adding value to your business.

If you decide to sell your online business then you will receive a lot more money for it if it has a list associated with it. The reason is that each subscriber has a monetary value, and this will always be taken into account.

You Can Make Money Anytime

If you have treated your list with respect and provided your subscribers with value through your emails to them, then you will be able to make money with your list anytime that you want. Your subscribers will respect you, so if you recommend a product or service to them they are likely to check it out and some will make a purchase.

Email marketing has made fortunes for people with large lists, and there is no reason why you cannot do the same. It is a very direct form of communication, and is far more effective than advertising. You have a captive audience that knows you, likes you and trusts you. Sales will inevitably follow.

Think About The Long Term

Successful list building is not without its challenges. It will take time and effort to build a large, responsive list. But the benefits are worth it. There are several factors to be taken into account.

You need to know how well your squeeze page is converting visitors into subscribers. If this is not working as you want it to then you need to make changes to the headline and retest. Once you have the best conversion rates you can then send more visitors to your squeeze page.

Then there are the emails that you write. Are they providing the response that you are looking for? Are you making sales? If they are not delivering then you will need to analyze them and make improvements. It will be worth it in the long run.

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